Q: What are the requirements for insurance to be carried by the parties to a CSU contract?

A: Insurance requirements depend upon the type of contract, the activity involved, and other factors which sometimes make it difficult to determine the appropriate types and amounts of coverages required. For a helpful explanation of insurance coverages, please visit the home page of the University Risk Manager.

Insurance requirements are summarized generally as follows:

Contractor's Insurance Coverage

Type of Insurance Coverage Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability
When Required Independent Contractor agreements w/contractor who employs any person; internship agreements when intern will be paid any remuneration by host institution.
Typical Limits Usually not specified; limits of coverage are determined by law.
Type of Insurance Coverage Commercial General Liability (CGL)
When Required Independent Contractor agreements; sponsored research; some revenue-generating service agreements; others.
Typical Limits Depends on risk involved. Minimum usually $150,000 per person, $600,000 per occurrence ($1 million aggregate). The Board of Governors of the Colorado State University System acting by and through Colorado State University, a division of the State of Colorado, shall be named as additional insured.
Type of Insurance Coverage Automobile Liability
When Required Independent Contractor agreements in which contractor may transport others in its vehicle during performance of contract.
Typical Limits Same amount as set for CGL coverage in same contract.
Type of Insurance Coverage Professional Liability
When Required Independent Contractor providing professional services such as medical or rehabilitation services, architectural, accounting, etc. Student interns may be required to purchase PL coverage at their own expense.
Typical Limits Depends on risk. Usually not less than $1m/3m.
Type of Insurance Coverage Builder's Risk
When Required Construction Contracts.
Typical Limits Varies according to risk. Please contact the office of Facilities Management for information.
Type of Insurance Coverage Other
When Required Various
Typical Limits Contractual relationships and activities may require other types of coverages. Please contact Risk Management with insurance questions.

University's Insurance Coverage

The University, as an entity of the State of Colorado, is entitled to certain immunities under Colorado law, including the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, C.R.S. §§ 24-10-101, et seq. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of the protections of said Act nor any laws relating to sovereign immunity. As an entity of the State of Colorado, University is self-insured for $150,000 per person and $600,000 per occurrence as more fully set forth in the Risk Management Act, C.R.S. §§ 24-30-1501, et seq. The parties agree that such insurance shall satisfy all insurance requirements of this Agreement except as otherwise specified herein.

Contract provisions specifying the requirements for insurance coverage may be found in the standard form contracts listed on this website. Review the standard forms.